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Anastasia – a Heart-Warming Success Story

20 August 2018
As a vet I love nothing more than knowing we have made a big difference in the life of a patient – and their owners. One such special patient is the very lovely Anastasia.
She is the most wonderful little dog and so very loved by her owners. She had been diagnosed with a heart condition some years ago as well as dental disease. It was thought too risky for her to undergo an anaesthetic so she was managed medically for both. Her heart condition stabilised but unfortunately medication would never control the dental disease and it continued to worsen. We saw her for the first time a couple of months ago as she had become quite unwell. She was in a lot of pain from rotting teeth and had been deteriorating quickly. We performed blood tests which confirmed effects on her system from infection and decided that undergoing a dental under anaesthetic would be the only way to get a happy and healthy Anastasia back again. With some adjustments to medication, fluid therapy and some extra special care during and around her anaesthetic – Anastasia underwent a dental.
You Can See Her Teeth Are Covered in Plaque in the Image Below on the Right.
Clean And Dirty
X-rays showed she had quite significant bone loss due to the severity of infection. All her teeth had quite severe changes and were removed during the dental. She even had a fracture in her jaw bone because the bacteria from her teeth had weakened her jaw significantly.
You Can See Below How Her Jaw Is Almost See-Through – This Is Because the Bacteria Has Essentially Eaten Away at It over the Years.
Bacteria on teeth
The good news is that Anastasia woke up well and since going home that same day – has never looked back! I was excited to see Anastasia a week or so after her dental and so pleased to hear that she had been doing really well!!! Her owners have told us that she now sleeps through the night and even plays with the other dog – which she had never done before! They were so happy to see her enjoying life again. She is eating well and generally happier than she has been for a long time and now finally off antibiotics for the first time in over 2 years! I am so incredibly grateful that Anastasia’s wonderful owners gave us the opportunity to do what needed to be done to look after this very special little girl.  

Goodbye for now,

Dr Katrina Walker 
by Kristin Pearce 16 June 2023
Caring for our senior pets at home By Kristin Pearce Registered Veterinary Nurse
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by Creative ACM 20 June 2019
A simple cough. You’d know what to do if you had a cough – cough syrup. You’d know what to do if your partner had a cough – tell them to harden up. But your dog? Your beloved pooch! What do you do then? Let’s put your mind to ease to start with. If you have a dog that doesn’t have an underlying heart condition, and are otherwise happy and healthy, you’re probably dealing with canine cough (aka Kennel Cough) – a contagious, but thankfully self-resolving upper respiratory infection.
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by Creative ACM 17 October 2018
Cats love getting into things they shouldn’t. It might be stealing your socks. It might be clawing the couch. It might even be eating that roast you left out to cool while you set the table. They sense your disapproval and go for it! But what are the things they really shouldn’t get into? In this blog we’ll look at the top three toxicities we see at our clinic in cats, the signs to look out for and the harm it causes. Other toxicities include onions, garlic, chocolate, grapes, some human medicines, rat bait, snail bait and fertilisers. For any of these conditions, call your vet IMMEDIATELY if your animal has ingested these products.
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by Creative ACM 31 July 2018
Grain-free pet food is the latest craze sweeping the pet industry – diets that are free from grain ‘fillers’ and thus seen as more natural and healthier. But is this really the case? Having a healthy pet often starts in the food bowl. Our furry friends are a part of the family, and so they deserve the best. But what is the best? There are so many specialty foods, brands and prices that it’s hard to know what your pooch or kitty needs. At the end of the day – like you – your pet needs a complete diet. Deficiencies can result in disease, decreased energy and shorter life expectancy – so we know that a healthy diet is essential. Please know that this is not a blog trying to poo-poo grain-free diets – they certainly have a place in the nutrition world and in many cases it is a step in the right direction. What we’re trying to do is keep you informed so you can make the best decisions for your animal’s health. The first thing we should understand is why are people keen on grain-free pet foods, and the truth behind the perceived benefits? Before we start however, let’s clear up a couple of things: Grains are not the only carbohydrates in pet food. Carbohydrates include cereal/grains, starch (potatoes), glucose/fructose (fruits). Carbohydrates as a whole are the main concerning content in pet food as they provide the majority of calorie content. So, why are grain-free pet foods so popular, and what’s the truth behind them?
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