Pets over seven years of age can take advantage of our Senior Health Evaluation Program (SHEP). This includes six-monthly checks to check on the health of your older pet. Regular check-ups allow us to identify issues such as diabetes, arthritis and heart disease as early as possible.
For a special reduced price, older pets on the SHEP receive a check-up from a vet, as well as a blood test and urine test, to identify any problems. Some blood tests can be processed on-site, and some will need to be sent to local pathology laboratories. We have trained staff and digital x-ray facilities on our premises to make check-ups even easier for your pet.
If your pet is grappling with anxiety or displaying troublesome behaviours, it's essential to take proactive measures rather than hoping for spontaneous improvement.
We are fortunate to have the expertise of Dr Anna Potts, a seasoned professional with years of experience in the field of Behaviour Medicine. Her knowledge encompasses the behaviour, training, mental health, and neurology of both felines and canines.
We have designed dedicated consultation rooms at both of our clinics to ensure a conducive environment for addressing these concerns, and we also offer the convenience of Telehealth consultations. Dr Anna's reach extends across Australia, with satisfied clients such as Eddie, the camp dog from Alice Springs.
We welcome referrals and are committed to providing comprehensive care for your beloved pets.
Puppy preschool provides a fun, safe environment for puppies between 8 - 14 weeks of age.
Puppy preschool classes are an essential experience to help puppies grow into well-behaved, confident, and well-adjusted family members. The combination of socialisation, positive training methods, and owner education makes these classes a valuable resource for new puppy owners.
Our puppy preschool classes are designed by Veterinary Behaviour Specialists and the Delta Institute Certified Dog Trainers. Classes are run by our specialty trained Veterinary Nurses.
At Vets First, we firmly believe that every pet deserves to have their needs met throughout their life, and as they get older. We can diagnose any health issues and give you advice on managing them. Treating you and your pet with the utmost care and sensitivity at all times, we can help you manage your pet’s palliative and end of life care.
As your pet gets older, they have different health needs. Pet owners owe it to their pets to provide a quality of life for as long as is possible or practical.
From what your pet eats and drinks, to how to keep them fit and healthy, and how to address any health issues that arise, we can give you advice on keeping your older pet in optimum condition. With the necessary diagnostic equipment on our premises and contacts outside our veterinary center, we can quickly diagnose certain medical conditions associated with old age.
We can advise you on any issues that arise and dispense the appropriate treatments and medications.
We offer you an aftercare service through a trusted local pet cremation service Paws 2 Reflect.